miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

Developing social skills V


For people:
  • Respect the equality of boys and girls; understand the importance of avoiding sexist stereotypes in games, songs, classroom activities, stories and use of language.
  • Realise the importance of taking it in turns to speak.
  • Have an appreciation of people who help us in our daily lives.
  • Show an interest in other places, cultures and people speaking other language.
  • Have respect for other people’s personal space.

For things:
  • Take care of classroom equipment.
  • Use different areas of the class correctly.

For the environment:
  • Appreciate plants and animals.
  • Be interested in looking after plants and animals.
  • Show curiosity about the immediate environment.
  • Know about traditions such as Christmas and other festivities.
  • Have an awareness of road safety.

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