viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2016

Welcome to my blog!

Hello everybody! My name is Lucía Pérez Villarrubia and I’m studying the last year of my degree as Infant Teacher in Salamanca University.

Why “Learning is fun!”? 
I think that the English learning process must be active, dynamic and interesting for children in order to motivate them and create a pro-active attitude. Presenting the different contents in a funny way to the students invite them to understand it better and discover the new ones. When students are motivated in learning, they need support to learn the new contents. This is the teacher’s role.

I have tried to produce the different activities and materials as best I can during this term and this blog is a consequence of this work. Besides the fact that I have tried to make it attractive and interesting, it allows me to have the different activities and materials immediately organised when I will need it. “Learning is fun!” could be used as a reference to other teachers to work on the blocks I have presented.
This blog have two main parts. The first one is more related with Primary Education and I have collected resources about Classroom Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Grammar and Spelling. The second part includes resources and activities to work English with Infant children in different blocks like: Sensory Mathematics, Logic, Mathematics, Developmental Games, Artographics, Visual-Spatial, Creative Modelling, Construction, Exploration, Expressive Movement and You-Me-World.

Let's learn!

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